
What platform would you run Quetoo on if it was on Steam?:

Map: Dies Irae (beta3)

March 17, 2009 - 16:04pm

Third beta. For me this map is ready. If nothing comes up against, I'll post final version somewhere next week.

Dl link: Dies Irae b3

Changelist: -clips added -lightning fixes -small items fixes/addons -some structural changes/fixes/addons


April 20, 2009 - 08:01am

ShadoW has decided to join the Quake2World team, and you can now find the current beta of Dies Irae in rsync.

March 17, 2009 - 23:43pm

I think the layout is generally pretty good, and you've done some great work with the interesting geometry. Preliminary texturing isn't bad either.

Here are the few things that stuck out (and you're probably already aware of them).

* The longer jump-pad could use a bit of a boost.
* Some of the textures seemed inconsistent; some were darker and others were bright, some looked very sterile and others looked grimy. Perhaps you're not done with this part.
* There were a few faces that looked into the void.

I look forward to more updates.

March 18, 2009 - 10:24am

Thx for fast reply. Generally almost eveything needs to be worked with. From brush build, texturing to item placement, and so on. All ideas/suggestions will be considered, so I need as much feedback from you as it is possible :).

- boost for j-pad, it's alrady there in second beta (coming soon)
- faces looking into void - already gone
- about those textures, what other thinks?

Things to do:
- lightning
- clipping
- item placement (no ammo atm)

March 18, 2009 - 10:33am

Hey Shadow, this looks sweet. I'll download it at home tonight and give it a proper run-through. As for right now, it looks like there are some scaffolding brushes that should be tagged with SURF_ALPHATEST -- they're currently rendering the alpha portions of the texture as black. Also, anything that is trying to look curvy, like your jump pad notch-outs, should be marked with SURF_PHONG. This will impact both the static lighting calculations, and also the per-pixel lighting. As you can see in some of TRaK's screenshots here: http://www.trak.mercenariesguild.net/node/20, SURF_PHONG gets you pretty close to proper looking curves with per-pixel lighting enabled, and you can get really sexy specular highlights across Phong'ed brushes.

In my opinion, the texture application could be a bit more varied. I'd love to see some colored red/orange trim here and there, or something to that effect. But I'm liking where you're headed with this map. It's freaking huge. In fact, given its size, you might want to drop some CTF flag items somewhere in it. Q2W supports voting CTF on/off in-game, so it can be completely optional.

Looking forward to beta2!

March 22, 2009 - 10:03am

Beta 2 is ready to be downloaded :). See first post for more info.

March 22, 2009 - 13:06pm

That's very nice! It has huge potential for pretty shadows. :)

March 22, 2009 - 12:47pm

This is looking much better, nice job on the initial lighting cut. Are you using all ambient_light, or a combination of sun_light and ambient_light? I would strongly recommend the latter, so that you get some shadows underneath your large catwalks and things.

The scaffolding work looks great. The movers that comprise the jump pad(s) are also a nice touch.. very different. You need a lot of clipping still, and it'd be nice if the upper levels were more easily accessible. Maybe another jump pad or two?

There are also a few Q2W-specific things you'll want to tweak, such as suppressing the rising-rings particle effect on your pads and teleporters. These are called out in the Creating Levels section of the Documentation (see link in navigation). Some contents flags are a bit off, too -- like your teleporter should be CONTENTS_MIST, not CONTENTS_WATER.

If you want some help nailing down the Q2W-specific quirks, let me know -- IRC is the best way to find me.

Really looking forward to the next beta!

March 22, 2009 - 15:17pm

I've used both sun_light and ambient_light, but have to play with it more. And tbh right now map is a little overbright, wchich I'll try to correct with next release (and that is also reason of improper shadows). I still can't 'feel' perfectly q2w lighning, so I have to do everything with try&correct method :). 'Suppressing the rising-rings particle effect' - you mean desable it? And one question, is there any runtime variable to change items respawn time? I think quad respawns too soon. And one request, could you upload this map to server, so ppl could at least run it ;)?

March 23, 2009 - 15:35pm

Beta2 is on the tastyspleen.net server. It's available via rcon:

rcon_password thepassword
rcon map diesirae_b2

Ask me for the rcon password in #quetoo on Freenode (IRC).

March 27, 2009 - 16:03pm

Beta 3 is ready, more info and dl link in 1 post.

March 28, 2009 - 04:05am

idk if its of any relevance but i find w/q2w that you have to halve the brightness on the diffuses.