Someone should put up the minimum and recommended specs for this game so that people won't get frustrated over not being able to play it because their computer is too slow. I've already had that kind of problem myself and don't want to many people to experience this.
I'm currently running q2w on a great but rather old business laptop (IBM Thinkpad T60) with a crappy gfx card (ATI X1400, 64 (!) MB memory + shared memory) and an Intel T2400 CPU, 1.83 GHz. I'm using Debian Etch and the binary ATI driver for Xorg.
The game runs fine at 1024x768 with r_programs 0. Runs "fine" means that I always have >> 50 fps and that I can play competitive games against friends via the internet on the laptop. The config I'm using comes with q2w, it's in the default/configs/ directory if you want to check it out.
- AMD Athlon XP 2600+
- GeForce FX 5200 (NV34)
- 1536 MB RAM at 233 mhz I think
- r_programs 0
- fullscreen 1280x1024 pixels
- debian gnu/linux
- nvidia xorg binary driver 173.14.09-5
I get
- 56 fps
when looking from the top to the bottom or vice versa on catfight.