:s muchas personas quieren jugar pero con un servidor que sea de latinoamerica, por que se quejan de que los servidores ubicado en norte america les producen LAG, y yo aun no logro crear un servidor dedicado desde windows 7 :S
Create a server.cfg file, e.g.:
c:\Users\you\Documents & Settings\My Documents\My Games\Quake2World\default\server.cfg
Open the file in Notepad.exe, and add the following:
sv_hostname "South American Quake2World Server" sv_max_clients 16 sv_spawn_protection 3
Then start the command line (Start -> Run -> cmd.exe) and do:
cd c:\quake2world quake2world +set dedicated 1 +exec server.cfg
That should work.
install the server fails, agree and record indications wings the following video to show errors:
Here is the link of the video, please watch it:
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xD3PHk9-cRg&feature=youtu.be
I did succeed in creating the server, Thank you friends, will help others, bringing the video to youtube
thank you very much, you are so cool
Awesome! I'm very glad you're able to run a server for our South American friends :)