Creating levels for Quetoo is not unlike creating levels for Quake 2 or Quake 3: Arena. We recommend that you use GtkRadiant 1.6.4 or later, as it includes support for Quetoo out of the box.
Download the latest stable release of GtkRadiant for your platform and start the application. When GtkRadiant first starts, it will prompt you to Configure Games. To configure it for Quetoo, there are two paths you must provide:
. For Mac users, it is Quetoo.app/Contents/Resources
. And for GNU / Linux users, it's quetoo/share
and, more importantly, quemap
. On Windows, this is Quetoo\bin
. On Mac, it's Quetoo.app/Contents/MacOS
. And on Linux, it's quetoo/bin
.The dialog should look something like this:
If you run into trouble, this video tutorial walks through setting up GtkRadiant 1.6.4 to map for Quetoo on Mac OS X:
If you are new to Quake 2 level editing, you should start with Game Design's Quake 2 Guide (thoughtfully archived by Panjoo), and return to this page once you've made your first simple level. Otherwise, please continue to one of the subsections below.