I'm happy to officially announce that Quake2World development has moved over to Github. Github brings more flexibility and less upkeep to our development effort, while at the same time increasing our visibility and accessibility to new developers and artists, so this is a big win. We're also using Github's built in issue tracking in lieu of our old Trac instance, which remains online for historical purposes but is in read-only mode.
Lately I've been reevaluating my stance on anticheat measures in GPL games -- specifically in Quake II and Quake2World. For years, I've advocated just playing with people you trust, on servers you trust, and leaving it at that. After all, it's just a game, right?
I am pleased to announce that our Quake2World Development Environment version 3.1 for Windows is released. This is mainly a bugfix/update release.
Fans of classic Quake II may find our new packages for Mac OSX 10.6 and 64 bit GNU / Linux interesting! There is no compilation, Subversion checkouts, or anything else to fuss with. Just download, extract, and run. More information and, of course, download links here.
Linux Game Cast has put together a B-Reel of Quake2World deathmatch, presumably running the new GNU/Linux binary build.
Linux users can now join in on the Quake2World BETA in just a few clicks. Head to the Downloads page to nab the Quake2World universal installer for 64 bit Linux, and then hit up the Installation & Maintenance page for instructions.
We're looking for talented, passionate artists and engineers to help make our BETA as successful as possible, and accelerate our march towards a 1.0 release. The following roles are available for immediate contribution:
We're pleased to announce that Quake2World is officially in beta. Head to the Downloads page to get your copy. Here's what's included in our first public release..
I am pleased to announce that our Quake2World Development Environment version 3.0 for Windows is ready for prime-time.
This is no April Fools joke. Quake2World will officially enter Public BETA status on 4/1/2012. Here's a quick list of what's been accomplished over the past few months: